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Prostate Cancer awareness

6th June 2023

Local MP Andrew Griffith dropped into Henfield Village Hall to meet volunteers running the latest Prostate Cancer awareness and testing event organised by the Henfield BP Guild. The Prostate Cancer Support Organisation (PcaSO) - a charity for men diagnosed with prostate cancer run by patients diagnosed with prostate cancer – ran the PSA Testing Event. Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in men. Each year in the UK over 47,000 men are diagnosed with it and about 11,000 men die of it.

The PCaSO arranges events where men over 45 can have a free test which is a short blood test with results back in around a week. They work with the local branches of the Lions, Rotary and Freemason clubs who help promote the tests and volunteer with the organisation on the day. Since they started PSA testing in 2011, they have now arranged over 26,000 PSA tests in Hampshire, Sussex and DorseTo book a free test for yourself or someone you care about, book online at their website.t.

PCaSO is entirely run by prostate cancer patients and their families for prostate cancer patients and their families. They have no offices, highly paid executives or any paid staff at all. Everyone is a volunteer.

Michelle Taylor