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Henfield charity cricket match for St Barnabas Hospices

19th July 2013

On 16 June the Henfield Friends of St Barnabas organised a Cricket Match at Henfield Cricket Club. After a wet morning, the sun came out and we were all set for the match to take place. The event was well supported and we are very grateful for the support we received from the Club. In addition our grateful thanks go to all those who organised and ran the supporting events. Last year's proposed match was a ‘wash-out’ so we were delighted that Simon Nye was able to give up his time to attend. It was an afternoon enjoyed by all, and as a result we have been able to send a total sum of £816.15 to the Hospice. Saturday 22 June was the annual Sunflower Day for St Barnabas. Despite the inclement weather we were very grateful to all the helpers who braved the conditions. Our thanks go to all those who contributed so generously. We were able to send a total of £501.51 to the Hospice. Look out for our next fund raising event which will be in September.

Peggy McComas